Nick left for Africa on the 18th, and won't be back until Thursday, September 4th. I MISS HIM!!! SO MUCH!!!
I used to love time alone. Even when I lived with someone, I craved my own space and made the most of it when I had it within my grasp. I've seriously lost my ability to entertain myself. The first couple of nights that Nick was gone, I went to bed before 9pm -- there wasn't anything good on television, and I was bored! I thought maybe it would come full-circle, and I would get used to my evenings of solitude. I guess Nick is my perfect match, because 2 weeks later, I'm still going crazy with loneliness.
Don't get me wrong, I've certainly kept myself occupied. Last weekend my dad was in town. I have a baby shower to host next weekend, so I've been busy planning that. I've had a very full Labor Day weekend, what with the cooking dinner for my girlfriend and her mother Saturday night, as well as the canning party I hosted on today. Tomorrow night I'm meeting some friends for dinner downtown.
Sure, I have plenty going on - a very full schedule compared to most....but I can't express how much I miss Nick. I ache with the feeling of his absence.
I've known married couples where the husband goes off for months at a time to fish up in Alaska or serve in The Peace Corps or perform Military service. I've heard tales of the long stints apart, and the stress involved with the unaccustomed companionship when he returns.
I have to admit, I don't think I could do it. If I'm in a relationship that gets to the point that I'm uncomfortable with my partner being around full-time, there's something wrong, in my opinion. If I ever find myself in this situation, regardless of whether that situation comes with my partner, or is acquired later in the relationship, I hope I always ache with the feeling of their absence.
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
*Thanks to Lyndsay S., Heather M., LL, Gary B., & Heather for the photo
P.S. If that's why we have Photoshop, then ...