There are times that I wish I hadn't given this url to my family. I mean, I love my family and all, and I think this is a great way for everyone to keep up with what I'm doing, but sometimes I wish I still had to send out a long email once a week. Heather is the creator of one of my newfound favorite websites. She is married with a daughter, and she has a fascinating way of telling funny stories about her boobs and constipation. She also curses more than anyone else I have met (in person or in writing). She inspires me.
I've had the desire to express myself by way of vulgarities, but I have to limit myself to "damn" or "ass" for fear of offending loved ones. Sure, there's the strategically placed asterisk, but that option always seems to convey a cuteness that I'm just not in the mood for.
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
*Thanks to Lyndsay S., Heather M., LL, Gary B., & Heather for the photo
P.S. If that's why we have Photoshop, then ...
Am I referring to you? Last time I checked, your name wasn't Heather. See those dark pink colored words that are underlined? Those are hyperlinks, Dummy. If you click on them, they take you to the website that I am referring to. Try it for a laugh.
For anyone just now tuning in, I'm not usually mean when I respond to comments, so feel free to leave them fearlessly. I have a right to be a little bit mean to my sister.
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