Tuesday, August 16, 2005

No Points For You!

I went out last weekend to see "Hot For An Old Crusty Musician Type" and his band. At the end of the night, one of the guys I had danced with asked if I would be interested in going out sometime. He was nice, and could dance, so I agreed to exchange numbers. I got a call from him last night. At 10:30 PM. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Knowing how charming I can be when I'm half asleep, I sent him off to the land of voicemail, so he could talk to someone who was interested.

This morning someone told me that I should call him back at 6am. Imagine all the possibilities! "I'm sorry, but I don't think this is going to work on account of our conflicting schedules. That, and I don't have room for another dumbshit in my life right now. But hey, best of luck to you!"


Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

Your Grandpa had a name for folks who called after 10 PM. I had a boyfriend who would do that on occasion. A really nice guy but lousy timing on the phone calls. I believe he was dubbed "ding a ling" by your Grandfather :)

Giving your number to strangers you meet in a bar. Hmmmm. Perhaps there's a market for a call center/answering service for situations like that?

Or maybe I'm just being a Mom...

Kim said...

Well, there is what's called "The Rejection Hotline".


You can go onto the site and look up your city for the local number for your area. It's pretty funny - maybe I should start handing that number out!

Peter said...

I'm sorry. I'll tell my dad not to be so impatient and not to wake you up anymore

Sean Oliver said...

Wait a sec? Explain to my why I dont have your number? Whats the deal, yo?

Kim said...

Sorry, I don't give my number out anymore. You can thank Martin for closing that window.