Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Product Placement

Y'know when you're at the grocery store, and there are always "impulse buy" items hanging on little racks along the aisles? The other day I saw toy handcuffs hanging by the condoms. Those crazy kids working at QFC sure do know how to have a good time!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure they were only there as a case someone forgot they needed to pick up an accessory for their child's sheriff outfit. :)

Kim said...

Yeah, cuz if I were shopping for condoms, my kids would be forefront on my mind...

Anonymous said...

Of course they would! You gotta remember, some people are slow learners. They may have just figured out how those sheriff wannabes came into existence!It's the only thing that really makes any sense!


Peter said...

I still think that the condoms should be right at the front register with the other impulse items. That way I can pick up some Slim Jim, a TV Guide, some connies, and one of those astrological rolls to see if I'll need one of the condoms

Kim said...

You're absolutely right! And I totally plan to read my horoscope more often now that I'm single...there's nothing more depressing than having expired condoms.

Peter said...

Speaking as a man who reads comics, watches cartoons, and loves the cold cereal, I can safely say condoms have loooooong expiration dates... Thank God. I only have to buy like... a pack a year.

Gives me more money to spend on comic books and Grandmas Animal Cookies with the pink and white frosting. Mmmmm

Anonymous said...

hey kim, it's Michelle!!!
if you ask me?... not that you did... I think they were just trying to show those old stuffy pants an idea. Cause the real freaks get their condoms at the porno shops with the lube and other accessories!!! As far as those exp dates; they sure can ruin a mood!!! I had to stop in the middle of a HOT night due to exp dates!!! DARN those things!!!
Miss and love you lots!!!!

Kim said...

My other sister, Michelle, everyone. Isn't she charming?